Top 7 Everyday Hair Hacks!

Hey guys!

Today's article is about useful tips and tricks to do with hair.

1. Plait Your Hair Before Bed And After Showers!
Not only does this keep it from getting tangled overnight, but when you take them out, it achieves beautiful, even curls that don't use heat or damage your hair. I find that dutch or french plaits work best, especially to get more curls near the top of your head. It looks especially nice with a far side parting!

2. Rinse Your Hair In Cold Water!
Again, this works best straight after showers. If you dip or rinse the ends of your hair with cold water, it will help it grow longer, faster and healthier!

3. Avoid Too Many Products!
Excluding products to wash your hair, it is best to use as little chemicals as possible. Over a long time period, this will damage your hair. Also too many products an make it greasy and not look nice anyway...

4. Don't Use Elastic Bands!
Elastic bands, different to hair bobbles with material around them, are actually really bad for your hair. It rips the strands easily and breaks them off in an unnatural way that should be avoided. It is fine to use them at the ends of your hair, eg at the end of a plait,  but it is best not to use them to secure a ponytail, for example. The weight of the hair and gravity will pull it down, making your hair more likely to break.

5. Use Organic Products!
This I suppose is similar to number 3, but more about shampoo and conditioner. Again, lots of chemicals will damage your hair, so use organic ingredients and essential oils rather than engineered scents. These tend to be more expensive but are better for your hair!

6. Don't Bother Brushing Wet Hair!
Wet hair is always really hard to brush, and that is for a reason. The water weighs it down and makes the strands weaker, so they are more likely to break under the pressure of the brush. Instead wait for it to dry mostly if you can! Same goes for towel drying - by rubbing the towel on your hair, you are basially pulling the strands out of your head.

Now this one is more of a precaution from experience. My hair is naturally in between wavy and curly, but when I was younger it was super-almost-not-quite-afro curly, so I have really curly baby hairs around my face which stick out and really annoy me. However DO NOT CUT THEM. It takes AGESSSS for them to grow back and they look ridiculous while they do, and in the end they either look even more awful than before or are exactly the same. I am in no way saying that all baby hairs look awful, they may really suit you, but they look ridiculous on me! Also with the scissors being so close to your head, it is very easy to cut or injure yourself. Again, as I know from experience. Whoops.

I was gonna try and do 10, but I can't think of any more so I'll stop there for now, but I will update again when I think of more. Comment below if you have any hacks or tips that you want to share and I'll add them (with credit!)


Thanks for reading and have a great week,

Teenage Blogger x


  1. 😭 Why did I cut my hair before reading this?!


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