Text / Writing Slang Definitions!

Hola amigos!

Today imma post about writing/text/rp slang that you may have heard a LOT but have no clue what they mean... So here goes!

Atm- at the moment;
Au- alternate universe;
Cba- can’t be arsed;
Cbb- can’t be bothered;
Cul- see you later;
Fanfic- story based on another author’s setting and/or characters;
F4f/Fff- follow for follow;
H4h/hfh- heart for heart;
Irl- in real life;
Lmao- laughing my arse off;
Lol- laugh out loud;
Ly- love you;
Oc- own/original character;
Otp- one true pairing;
Pov- point of view;
R4r/rfr- read for read;
Rp- role play;
Ship- a pair who you really want to get together;
Tbh- to be honest;
Thx- thanks;
Ttyl- talk to you later;
Ty- thank you;
Yolo- you only live once;

I couldn’t think of any more atm but comment if you have any that I should add!

Thanks and have a great day, hope your skin is clear, your (non fictional) crush kisses you, all your problems are sorted and you get lots of reads and followers xxxx

Question of the day: Which acronym (above) do you use the most? Tell me in the comments below!

Teenage Blogger x


  1. This seems pretty useful! I hadn't heard of a lot of those acronyms, and some I'd heard of but didn't know what they meant, so this was cool! The acronyms I use the most are lol, omg and tbh. :D


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