My Top 10 Items In My Wardrobe!

Heya guys!

Today I'm gonna talk to you about essential wardrobe items. 

This is really important, especially if:

A) You go to a non-uniform school;
B) You see people lots out of school;
C) It's the weekend/holidays.

Most people hate to be wearing the same or similar things every day, so it's vital to have a vast range of different clothes and outfits! Here's a few of my favourite items, to give you some inspiration!

1. Pale blue Zara jumpsuit!
Best worn with: any colour plain top, black leggings, any shoes, choker/necklace.

2. Grey GAP roll-neck batwing jumper! 
Best worn with: long sleeved top, jeans, trainers.

3. Blue checked front tie shirt!
Best worn with: jeans, trainers, white cardigan, choker. I'm wearing this now!

4. Dark navy/black undervest!
Best worn with: more transparent tops and anything else. These are so, so useful! I have way too many vest tops that are too transparent to wear on their own, so putting one of these underneath covers up any bra pattern, marks and your belly button! Also you can find these really cheap.

5. New Look brown leather boots
Best worn with: any dress if you're wearing them formally, or even just jeans for a normal day!

6. Black leather choker
Best worn with: a colourful oufit - not too much black! This can make you look kind of gothic... of course if that is the look you are going for then that works too :)

7. Blue floral playsuit!
Best worn with: leggings, boots, choker. Personally I don't like wearing dresses, and my playsuit can look formal or informal depending on the context, so this is what I wear for any special occasion or a meal out.

8. Jack Wills burgundy oversize hoodie!
Best worn with: jeans, trainers, any top. I love this, it goes with pretty much anything and is always my go-to jumper if I am leaving the house quickly! Also great to snuggle up with in the evenings or at night.

9. Pale blue denim jacket!
Best worn with: any tshirt, jeans or shorts, choker. This could possibly be my best find EVER - it goes with any top, any bottoms, any necklace/choker, and lasts forever without wearing out - mine used to be my mum's!

10. Temporary tattoos!
Best worn with: ANYTHING! These aren't techically in my wardrobe, but they are something I wear most days. In my country I  too young to be legally allowed a real tattoo, and I've always wanted one, so I put these on instead. You can find a MASSIVE range of styles, they're usually cheap, and depending on where you put them, tend to last for a few days at least. Hands and feet are probably the worst places (in terms of them lasting) and shoulders, collar bones and the tops/insides of arms are the best.

I hope you found this useful!

Question of the Day: What is your favourite outfit? Answer in the comments below!

Lots of love,
Teenage Blogger x


  1. Wow. I once used to be a HUGE clothes horse, but now? I'll go with anything Kpop, rather, and it's so difficult for me to drag myself to where I can get the good stuff. The fanciest place I'm COMFORTABLE with is... anywhere with Billie Eilish/Kpop music. You're lucky you can handle this stuff!


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