The Top 10 Best Songs For Lyric Pranks

Hiyya guys x

Have any of you done a lyric prank?

 I'm obsessed with them! I've probably done a lyric prank to all of my contacts by now. The thing with lyric pranks is that you have to get a good song which has realistic lyrics that sound vaguely like normal conversation. So here's some songs that I've used and work so, so well and I've also put who they would be most suitable for.

1. Treat You Better - Shawn Mendes - anyone with a boyfriend/girlfriend)
2. Oath - Cher Loyd - friend (preferably if their going through a bad time)
3. Never gonna give you up - Rick Astley - boyfriend/girlfriend
4. Wings - Little Mix - friend/enemy
5. Don't Stop Me Now - Queen - friend
6. Into You - Ariana Grande - crush
7. I hate you I love you - Gnash - crush/boyfriend/girlfriend
8. See you again - Whiz Kalfa - a friend you haven't seen that day
9. Sorry - Justin Bieber - mum
10. Confident- Demi Lovato - bully

So there is my top 10 list of good songs to prank people with! Be really careful and don't take it too far as it could seriously damage relationships. My friend one time pranked someone with Treat You Better and he agreed to cheat on his girlfriend for her! Anyway I hope this was helpful and let me know how you get on...

Question of the Day: What's your favourite song to lyric prank to? Answer in the comments below!

Lots of love,
Young and Enquiring x


  1. Hi, my favorite song to prank my friends with is the song 'Gorgeous' , by Taylor Swift. My friend thought I was into her, and called me surprisingly. After, she tried to prank me, and it turned into a really fun prank wars.


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