Making The Most Of Your Christmas Holidays

Heya guys.

Now Christmas has been and gone, we have a week left of holiday!

Yay! But after a few days of no school it can get a bit boring, just sat around all day with nothing to do. So here's some ideas of boredom busters, some indoor and some out, that don't involve 16 episodes of your fave tv show, or endless hours on social media. Use this however you want - you could do exactly what I say or maybe add your own twist to it to adapt to what you want. I don't mind. Just have fun and make the most of your time off school!

1. Go to the park
Going to the park can sound slightly boring and babyish, but especially with brothers and sisters it can be quite fun! Get rid of some energy that you're not going to use by watching tv, and burn off that chocolate while you're at it. Challenge your siblings to a race across the field or see who can swing the highest... the possibilities are endless!

2. Hit the shops
Grab your purse, bag and some mates and make the most of the post-christmas sales! You can get some real bargains on gifts, so get buying for birthdays coming up. This is another good way to get out the house, and catch up with your mates at the same time. Add it to a sleepover and you have the perfect weekend!

3. Host a party
Get some friends over and have a festive night with hot chocolates, onesies and a film! Make sure the phones are out of sight, though, so that you can make the most of each other's company while you can, instead of snapchatting their every move. I did this a few days ago and my mum made everyone put their phones in a pot when they came in the door. They won't think that you're old fashioned, and everyone has a much better time!

4. Get baking
Find one of your recipe books (or an online recipe from The Blog Of The Young And Enquiring - request recipes in the comments below please x) and get the mixer going. You can create a nice treat for you and your family to share, and you never know, you might find a hidden talent!

5. Make videos
You never know, maybe you'll be the next big YouTuber! Filming videos is so fun and you can be yourself and show off your forte. Give your knowledge to the world! You don't even have to post it online but I find editing really fun.

6. Have a room clear out
This sounds so much hard work and it is, but if your anything like me you'll find it fun and rewarding. Go through all your drawers, cupboards, wardrobes, everything! This has the added bonus of having a clear room afterwards. You could even give yourself a motivational reward after each one to keep you going...

That's all for now, but keep checking back because I will add some more when I have time. Tell me in the comments what you do in the holidays, and request some recipes that you want me to post.

Question of the Day: What do you do in the holidays? Answer in the comments below!

Lots of love,
Young and Enquiring x


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