The Other Side Of The Mirror: Chapter Four


New update today! Please let me know what you think!

Chapter Four
"Please! Are you sure that you don't have any Potion here, not even one single bottle?" I plead to the man at the admin desk. He sighs, and leans forward on his elbows. 
"Look, girl. I've told you this seven times, and I'll tell you again once more. Every. Single. Bottle. Was. Taken. We don't have a single one here."
"But none have arrived?" I ask again. "She said that they would be ready today!" 
"Ask her again," He says, shooing me away. I shuffle back to my computer, email Miya White, and lean back on my chair with my eyes closed. Why? I don't even know what I'm thinking 'why?' to, maybe just the whole bloody mess of this situation. 
I feel a drop of liquid in my face, but it's not the right consistency to be water. 
"Hita Brooke," I say wearily. "What is that, by the way?" I open my eyes. Brooke is leaning over me with a small purple bottle in one hand, syringe in the other. "Brooke, no!" I yell, scrambling around blindly and getting an eyeful of the liquid. One of my hands is trying to grab the liquid off her, the other wiping it off my face.Suddenly the world starts spinning, and someone grabs me as I black out.

The first thing that I see when I wake up, is the pure white ceiling of what I assume is a hospital ward. I struggle to remember what happened- I can only recollect a few things. The Potion on my face, Brooke grinning down at me... I try to sit up, but I don't have enough energy. A nurse comes over to help. 
"Oh good, you're awake," he says. "I'm Nurse Coates." I manage to prop myself up on my elbows, and push myself up to a sitting position. 
"How long have I been out for? When can I go back to work?" I ask weakly, remembering the statement that I still have to prepare. 
"Four and a half days. It's Tuesday evening. We just need to do a couple of checks, but you should be good to go on Thursday. We managed to save all of your memories, but unfortunately not your Potion. You will have to order some more."
"THURSDAY?? But I have a meeting with The Boss tomorrow at 9am!"
"I'm sure that can be rearranged. When you feel strong enough, you may go downstairs to eat. You must be very hungry. Oh, and there were a couple of people wanting to see you - Anya Brown, Jay Blackmoor and Brooke Brown. Should I tell them to come?" He hands me my laptop. 
"Uh.. yeah. Am I allowed to stab one of them?" 
"No," he says, smiling. "But if you must, a little slap may go unnoticed..." He leaves the room with a wink. "Call me if you need anything!" I grin, and open my laptop. Eek... The Boss is not going to like this...


I am shaking as hard as a wet dog. It's Wednesday at 9am, and I'm stood outside The Boss' office, clutching my file and ID as if someone is going to steal them away from me. I run through my ideas again, trying to think of the best way to present my argument, but it's no use attempting to justify my actions - what I did was stupid and shouldn't have happened. 
"You may now enter," A voice calls me from inside. Taking a deep breath, I push open the door and step inside. The Boss sits in front of me at his desk, his eyes glaring at me sternly. "Miss Brown. How kind of you to agree to meet with me despite the circumstances."
"Thank you for hearing my statement, sir." I discreetly wipe my sweaty palms on the back of my jeans. "I am in no way saying that what I did was right, just to clarify. It was an accident- she woke me up really early and I couldn't stop myself from yawning, that's all." He looks at me questioningly.
"But how do you justify not returning her to her world? I understand there was some kind of problem...?"
"Yes, sir. The memory Potions have all been taken away for the yearly Improvement, and I contacted Miya White as soon as I found out. She sent one to me yesterday, but somehow Brooke got hold of it and tipped it all on my face, hence leaving me in hospital."
"I see. Well I trust that you are recovering well?"
"Yes sir thankyou." He shuffles his papers, and collects them all together. 
"Well, Miss Brown. You may leave. You will be contacted as soon as the Council have made their desicion."
I leave.


"Miss Brown R, you have a visitor to see you." Nurse Coates declares.
"Miss Brown." I groan.
"Remind me where the knives are..."
"I take it you don't want to see her?"
"I'll have to sometime. I am her Reflection after all. May as well get it done with."
Brooke shuffles into the room, not meeting my eye. She sits on a chair opposite my bed. Judging by her appearance, she hasn't slept for days - the bags underneath her eyes are more defined than ever and she yawns as she sits down.
"Are - are you okay?" She asks me timidly.
"Um... except from the 7 different drugs working miracles in my body, brain recovering from memory loss, eyes recovering from severe allergic reaction and harmful chemicals, every muscle in my body aching like you couldn't imagine and the fact that I'm probably going to get fired from my job, YEAH IM FINE. Thanks for asking." She looks away.
"I'm sorry, okay! I didn't know what it was!"
"I know, I wasn't thinking! Please don't get mad!"
"Brooke, you almost KILLED ME! Of COURSE I'm going to be mad!"
A tear rolls down her face, but it gives me no sympathy for her whatsoever. "If there is anything I could do to make up for it..."
"No. There isn't. Unless you want to invent a time machine and go back to the point when you woke up at 2am that morning and redo it all from there. Or get me some memory Potion. To be honest I don't know which would be harder."
She whimpers, and runs out the room. "You forgot to slap her!" Nurse Coates says, mock disappointed.
"I was about to do a lot worse," I comment grimly.


  1. Lol that Brooke is a menace. XD Nice story!

    1. If you like creative writing, I'm hosting a writing challenge on my blog, would you be interested? :)


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