The Other Side Of The Mirror: Chapter Three


I won't waste time with an introduction- I just wanted to post another chapter quickly. Anyway.

Chapter Three
I have finished all my work. It's been a really quiet day for me, since my Subject is in this side of the world with me. I check my rose gold watch. 22:00. Yawning, I close my laptop and plan to go to bed. 
I leave HQ and trudge down the stairs into my bedroom, about to climb into my bed fully clothed. Trouble is, there's someone else in in it.
"Get out my bed!" I growl viciously to Brooke.
"Oh, sorry," she says innocently. I clench my fists. "It's a pull out bed - we can share!" We pull out the bed, and I pull my duvet as far away from her as I can, as if she is contagious. I know that none of this is her fault, but honestly I don't want to have to blame myself for it. I quickly fall into a restless sleep. 

In the morning, I wake up to the weekday alarm that Brooke forgot to turn off. I groan, and roll over. 
"Wake up!" she yells in my ear, fully dressed already. 
"It's a Saturday!" I moan. "On Saturdays we wake up at 11:00, not 6:30! It doesn't change now that you're in my world!" She rolls her eyes. 
"No, stupid! It's Friday! I need to get to school!" She protests. I check my phone, which confirms my worst fears.
"Dammit. Wishful thinking." I yawn. "Well there is no chance that I'm letting you go. You are staying right here today!" She looks upset, but doesn't argue. 
"What're we doing today?" She asks cheerfully. 
"YOU are going to find lessons online so you don't miss out on your education. I am going to do my work." I say firmly.
"I don't have a laptop!" She whines. 
"Ugh! I have a spare one! Now go to your room and stay there!" When she obliges, I am probably the most relieved that I have ever been in my life. 
Back in HQ, I get another email - this time from The Boss. Whatever this is, it can't be good. 
He is telling me to prepare a statement for what has happened and why it did to present to the Council next Wednesday at 09:00. I have pretty much exactly five days (it is currently 08:57). I have ages - I'll put it off until Monday. I resolve to go and find Jay R, my boyfriend, but stop by to check in on Brooke first. 
I push open the door to my bedroom, to find Jay kissing her. 
"What is going on???" I yell. They break apart instantly.
"Oh crap," Brooke mutters. Jay looks at us one by one. 
"This - wait - WHAT? Which one of you is the real Brooke, and which is the Reflection? My Reflection?"
"I'm Brooke R!" Me and Brooke say simultaneously. I shoot her an angry glare. 
"I promise, Jay! She found out, and I had to bring her through. Law of Reflection Protection, and all that..." We both smile in recognition of our inside joke. Brooke looks between us in confusion. 
"Um... haha," she says lamely. 
"Go away! I can't believe that you would kiss my boyfriend! After all I have done for you!" I scream at her, sending her away. A tear drops down my face. "I hate her, Jay, I really do..." He rises onto his tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips. Contrarily to most relationships, I, the female, am taller. I don't mind though. 
"Um... I'd better go and see if the Potion has arrived..." I say, linking arms with Jay and leading him to the admin desk. "Hey, do you know if there's been any deliveries of the Memory Potion in yet? I need it kind of urgently..." I nod in the direction of Brooke, who is now kissing a different boy. The man at the desk checks through his files. 
"No, sorry. I'll let you know when I do though!" He replies cheerfully. Ugh! How can people be cheerful now? This is a disaster! I manage to control myself and not say anything, but it takes A LOT. 
Suddenly, Anya R comes running into HQ, looking flustered. "Brooke R!" She calls, looking for me. I wave. "Brooke! There's a problem: Anya didn't get the message that Brooke was staying the night with a friend, so she thinks that she's run away! She's called the police and everything!" Oh crap.
"Don't panic. Um... Try to tell her again, or contact a Reflection of a police officer - see if you can get them to sort it. Have you tried asking Tyler R to tell Tyler? I can't get her back yet - she hasn't had the Potion and we don't have any in!" 
"Could you put her back without the Potion? It's risky, but we may have to..." 
"Not yet. Try everything else first, but that might have to be our last resort."

There we go! Comment if you like it xx

Lots of love,
Liver of the Teen Life x


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