The Other Side Of The Mirror (Story): Chapter One And Two


As you may have noticed, I have finally chosen a blog name! I've changed it to Living The Teen Life which I MUCH prefer, although I still may chamge it again soon.

One of my main hobbies is writing. I don't post about it much because I simply don't really have any stories that I want to share! However:

Recently I started one called The Other Side Of The Mirror which I love the idea of and really want your feedback!

The Other Side Of The Mirror is a story based in modern day England, but in an alternate reality where your reflection has a body, mind, soul and personally too. Brooke R (short for Reflection) is a reflection for Brooke, (I know - confusing! But it has to be this way) Brooke finds out about the Other Side and so Brooke R has no choice but to bring her through, give her the Memory Potion and send her back with no recollection of their world. Simple, right? Wrong! No more spoilers but they face many challenges along the way to returning Brooke back to her side and keeping Brooke R's job.

Sound interesting? Here's the first two chapters! I will try to update every week or so. This will also be a good incentive for me to finish it :)

Chapter One.
I watch my other half brushing her hair, singing along to her favourite music as she does so. She actually has a pretty good voice! I mirror all her movements exactly, except any noise I make, she can't hear me through the reflection. Because, by my other half, I don't mean girlfriend. And when I mirror her movements, I mean literally every tiny detail that she does. Yup, you've probably guessed it: I'm her reflection.

Brooke is the other side of me. She doesn't know that I exist, but she can see me whenever she looks in the mirror. I am a part of her, and whenever she looks in the mirror or sees her reflection, I am there. Straightaway. Without a moment's delay. Because this is my job! If I got one tiny movement wrong and she noticed, she would either go crazy, put our entire company at risk, or both.
Brooke finishes brushing her hair, and starts applying her makeup. This is always the bit I hate the most, seeing as I'm not as good as her at makeup - I haven't had as much practice - so if I do it badly it will make her think she looks bad herself. While applying mascara, I smudge some underneath my eye. I almost curse out loud, but stop myself just in time as she frowns at me and dabs at where she thinks the smudge is. I try and get rid of it as quickly as I can. Eventually she moves away from the mirror, and I can actually get a break! She's been here for about 40 minutes now...


Double checking that Brooke is no longer at the mirror, I grab myself a coffee and swing into a seat beyond her bedroom. "Hey Elijah!" I call. Elijah is Brooke's brother, and we spend most of our time hanging out together, sometimes with her sister Rose, too, although Rose is only 3 years old. I have to say mean things to Elijah a lot, because non-mirror Brooke and Elijah don't get along very well, so I try to make up for it off duty. As soon as I sit down, however, I am transported back to her room. Only for a split second, as she checks how she looks on her way out the door, and finally I am done for a bit. Hopefully. 


The rest of the day drags on slowly. I don't have much to do, seeing as Brooke is in school, and there aren't any mirrors at school, although occasionally she catches sight of herself in the glass. When she gets home, she doesn't bother looking at me much, just once or twice as she plaits her hair and brushes her teeth. Not the most eventful day. 
But neither of us are in any way prepared for the drama to come tomorrow....

Chapter Two.
I am woken up wayyy to early in the morning, by being rushed to the mirror. Brooke is yawning  and fluffing out her hair. She checks her watch. It's 2am. She yawns again, and I mirror it. Haha. We sigh in unison. I think she tries to go back to bed, and can't, so she reads for a few hours in her bed. Finally it gets to a reasonable time in the morning, and she starts doing her hair. I am so tired right now - I can't help it. I yawn. 
Startled, she looks up at me and looks me right in the eye. She lifts her hand, waves it around a bit, and goes back to her hair. All would have been fine. But I yawned again. This time she knows. "Hello?" She asks, confused. She taps the glass, but my sleep deprived brain is too slow to respond quickly. I am too slow. Her frown turns into a grin. 
"I knew it! Can you hear me?" She asks. I give up pretending. I nod. Suddenly she goes bright red. "Oh no... So you've seen everything that I've done? I must still be dreaming... Please tell me I'm dreaming!" She pinches her arm, and winces. "Ouch! Nope, not dreaming..." At that moment, I get a message on my phone. It's from my boss. Oh sh*t... Brooke looks at me, worried. "What's wrong?" I show her the message. "Oh God... I won't tell, I promise! If this is real..." I sigh. 
"You'd better come with me," I mouthe, and gesture for her to step inside the mirror. 
"Really? Omg, this is so cool!" She exclaims, and I pull her through the mirror into my world.


I drag Brooke through the mirror, and place my hands on her shoulders. 
"This is probably going to take a while, so you'd better make yourself at home. You know where everything is, of course, seeing as you put it there. This is your room, after all." My mirror twin looks around in wonder.
"So this is my room... backwards?" She asks in astonishment.
"Yup. Look, I really have to go..."
"Wait - one last question for now. Are you... me?"
"I'm you backwards. We were born at the same time, by your mirror mum. Call me Brooke R, or just R, to save confusion and time." I open the door leading to their hallway. 
"Where are you going?" She calls me back. I sigh.
"To the HQ in the attic. No mirrors there, so you can't see it all. It's the HQ for all the Reflections on this road. We've extended it so we can all fit. Now please stay here: do whatever you want." 
"What about my parents? They'll worry!"
"I'll sort it," I reply impatiently. I shut the door behind me, and rush towards the attic.

Now in HQ, I slide into my seat at my desk, sip my coffee and email the secretary for Reflection&Co, the company that is in charge of all the Reflections in the world. My mum, Anya R, comes over and asks what I'm doing. (A/N all reflections are called *their name* R) 
"I thought Brooke was looking in the mirror!" She exclaims. 
"Um... there's been a slight problem. Tell Anya that she has gone out somewhere."
"On it," Anya R replies, striding back to her desk.
An email notification pops up on my laptop. With trembling hands, I open it.
Miss Brooke Brown (Reflection) 
It is most unfortunate that your reflection has discovered our world. You must follow these steps exactly:
1. Bring subject through the mirror;
2. Tell any house sharers a reasonable excuse for the subject having gone; 
3. Email a higher up member of staff;
(these should have been done already)
4. Lock the mirror again;
5. Find your emergency memory potion and administer it to subject;
6. Let the subject back into their world;
7. Meet with boss and discover your fate.
As soon as you reach stage 7, contact us again immediately. 
Kind regards,
Miya White 
Secretary and Problems Advisor
Okay. Okay. Lock the mirror again. Not too hard. I open the right app on my laptop and lock it, making sure that Brooke is still there. She is, thank goodness. Find the memory potion and give it to subject. Okay. Where is it? I vaguely recollect my first meeting as a trainee Reflection: being told that there was emergency potion in my drawer, so I open my drawer to find it. It isn't there. 
Frantically, I search all my drawers for the small, purple glass bottle, without any luck. "Anya! Elijah! Tyler! Can I borrow anyone's memory potion?" Tyler R, my dad, looks over at me sympathetically. 
"Sorry, honey, they took all the potions away for improvement. Did your subject find out?" I confirm, frustrated. As quickly as I can, I shoot another email to Miya White, explaining my situation. She replies back within seconds. 
Dear Brooke Brown (Reflection), 
Oh dear. Your subject will have to stay the night seeing as we will not have any available potion until tomorrow. Please try to not get too emotionally attached to your subject in the meantime. 
Kind regards,
Miya White
Secretary and Problems Advisor 
I rock back in my chair and sigh. One whole night of looking after an annoying lookalike who asks way too many questions? Fun. And as soon as I can let her back into her world, I have to meet with my boss and possibly get fired. Even better. What do Reflections even do when they are fired? And how do they find a replacement? I've never known anyone even have to use their Potion before, let alone get fired! My best friend Luca R had a close call once, but Luca was convinced that he made it up - it was only a small cough anyway! 
A tall figure appears in the doorway, looking  about my height and shape. I groan inwardly. Brooke. She spots me, and runs over excitedly. 
"This is all so cool!" She declares. "Why can't I stay here in HQ instead of my boring bedroom? This is so much more exciting!" 
"You can go and play with the babies, if you would like... Here we have the Reflections of all the inhabitants of this road, unless they have been called out on duty." As if on cue, a red light flashes up on someone's computer, and they sprint through their mirror portal to get to the glass. "Don't you need to go back to bed anyway? You've been awake since 2!" I ask hopefully. Much to my disappointment, she shakes her head. 
"No, I'm not tired. I still find it creepy how you know everything about me!"
"Even your thoughts..." I say eerily, smiling at the horrified expression on Brooke's face. "Seriously. I have a log of every thought you've ever had! All your daydreams about Mike Wester, all of the... Well, it doesn't matter. More importantly I get the transmittions from your brain to your limbs, so I know what you are going to do and I can copy you." She still looks shocked, and a little green. 
"I'll go play with the babies..." She says faintly, wobbling dizzily over to where they're playing.


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