Confidence: How To Boost Your Self Esteem

Heya guys x

Sorry I have been so inactive recently I've just had a lot going on.

Today's post is about self confidence.

 This is crucial in life as no self esteem=unhappy life. Especially going through 'the teen phase' can be super hard, with all the pressure from school, media and pretty much everything else. I'm trying to help you make the most of your life, and to feel confident within yourself and your body.

Know Your Strengths
This is the first step to building self esteem, because you have to be able to accept your talents and the fact that you are amazing. There is a difference between being vain and knowing that your talented, so don't be afraid to show off a bit! No one likes someone who is always putting themselves down, so lighten up a bit, take compliments and shine through your skills.

Improve Yourself
If you see something that you don't like about yourself, work on it and change it to make it better. For example if you don't like your hair, then dye it, cut it, wash it better, find ways to look after it better. There will always be something that you're not completely happy about whether it's your personality or looks, and it will make you feel so much better about yourself when you can see it paying off. There's no use in sitting around waiting for it to magically change, so get up and do something about it!

Don't Change For Others
There may be other people or media pressuring you to look a certain way, but if it makes you happy then stick with it. You may worry about what other people think of you, but who really cares? If they don't like you then that's their problem, not yours. Especially if you feel like you have to change yourself for people to like you more, that just shows how they aren't a real friend if they can't accept you.

Stay Positive
Always look on the bright side of life! Something good can come from any situation and if you can fine it then it will make you a lot happier too. In this way you can help other people to be more confident too!

Have A Good Posture
If you walk around with a slumped back and looking at the floor, you will give yourself and other people the impression that you don't want to be around people, you are bored or tired, etc. But if you have your head held high, standing up tall and smiling, then others will see you as confident and that you know what your doing. This will also help you, because even if you are feeling really shy and self conscious on the inside, at least you can act the opposite on the out.

That's all for now, but I will probably update again soon.

Question of the day - are you confident or shy? Answer in the comments below!

Lots of love,
Young and Enquiring x


  1. Good tips! I agree that being self-confident is super important and it's sad that so many teenagers suffer from a lack of self-confidence.

    1. Thankyou! I wish more people would realise that if we're all trying to be someone we're not, we're all just fake copies of each other so we can never be happy☺️

  2. Exactly! Why is everyone so obsessed with acting and looking like everyone else? What's so wrong with a bit of originality people? ;)

  3. Exactly. We should start a campaign towards it #realteensrule #fakersaarebreakers #justbeyou idk😂

  4. Yeah! :D
    I've been meaning to write a blog post on my blog about being yourself but I never got round to it heh

  5. Sure! About what though? 😆

  6. Well what's your area of expertise?

  7. I'm not sure I have one 😳 I mostly blog about whatever's on my mind. I guess I like reading?

    1. Ok... do you have any hobbies?

    2. I do ballet and karate, and I like reading and creative writing. Do you have any ideas for a post?

    3. You could do good fitness / stretching techniques? Or how to come up with a winning protagonist? Idk it's up to you x

    4. I was thinking I could do tips for being a better writer?
      And how would I send you the post? X

    5. Sounds good - do you have an email? Xx

    6. Yep, I do. Do you want to give me your email then and I'll send it to you when I'm finished x

    7. Okay - send it to (don't judge he username when I made my blog I had a shared email😂)

    8. Ok, thanks! 😉
      I'm usually quite busy during the week, but I'll see if I can write it and send it to you at some point in the next few days. X

    9. I just sent it to you. Let me know if you get it! X

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hello :) I really enjoyed reading your blog post! The way you wrote about this topic was really good, thanks for your tips. I absolutely agree with you, nobody have to change because of opinions from others! Everyone is beautiful :) All the best x

    1. Awe thankyou! It really annoys me when people pretend to be someone theyre not - whats the point? Xx


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