Top 10 Everyday Makeup Hacks!

Heya guys!

Today I’m going to tell you about... Everyday Makeup Hacks! And yes, it deserves capital letters.

Hack 1: Put concealer underneath eyeshadow. This helps it to stay on longer, and makes the colour underneath more even so that the eyeshadow looks more even too!

Hack 2: Put powder underneath lipstick. Very similar to the last one, to make lipstick stay on longer, (I've only done this once because it went away after a few hours) It might be an old trick but it actually works, any way, put on a coat of lipstick, then lay a tissue across you lips. Dust translucent
powder on to make the color set so it stays on longer. Hack given by Blue Lake go follow!

Hack 3: Mix your foundation with moisturiser. I have very pale skin, so a lot of cheap makeup brands don’t have foundation light enough for me, so I mix it on my hand with a little moisturiser- it also gives better coverage and helps it to last longer! You could also find a small plastic bottle and put a lot of both in there and shake it, so that you don’t have to mix it on your hand every time and waste the excess.

Hack 4: Mark out eyeliner flicks. To make sure you get the flicks exactly symmetrical, put small dots where you want to go up to, and adjust them until they’re perfect without smudging all your other makeup!

Hack 5: Always use moisturiser first. Putting makeup straight onto skin can give you bad spots - the oil from the foundation etc will go directly into your pores and clog them up. Moisturiser blocks the pores with good oils and products, lessening the chance of acne!

Hack 6: Start in the middle and blend outwards. With foundation, it is easy to make it look like you are wearing a mask if you apply too much around the edges of your face. If you start in the middle and work outwards, it doesn’t clog up so much around the hairline, and gives a more natural finish.

Hack 7: Use white nail varnish instead of a base coat. It will make the colour stand out more, and it won’t leave stains on your nails from darker or brighter colours! Not strictly makeup but oh well, it can count.

Hack 8: Use a hairdryer to warm your eyelash curlers. If you give your curlers a 10 second blast before using, it will help the curl to last that bit longer!

Hack 9: Use contact lens solution to male mascara last longer. If your mascara is clumpy and flaky, add a couple of drops of contact lens solution and shake well to make it as good as new. Word of warning - if you’ve had the solution in it for over 3 months, THROW IT OUT. It may give you an eye infection. Still, 3 more months is worth it, right?

Hack 10: Use baby oil or coconut oil to remove excess eye makeup. We’ve all had the struggle of washing our face 10,000,000 times and it just NOT coming off, right? Put either baby or coconut oil on a cotton wool pad, and wipe the excess off easily!

As always, I really hope this helped you, and like I say I am glad to have posted again! I missed you all!

Question of the day: What is your favourite makeup brand? Tell me in the comments below!

Lots of love,
Teenage Blogger x


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