Homework Hacks!

Adios, hallo, bonjour, hey! Sorry I'm feeling in a really language-y mood - I just did my German and Spanish homework :P

Back to this article.

So I know that it can be really stressful trying to get all your homework done well, on time and without having meltdowns over it. I'm going to include lots of random homework hacks which will hopefully make it easier! 

Like I say, these will be pretty random, so they range from revision techniques to printing out tricks. Enjoy! Not the homework, of course. No one enjoys homework! Although if you do, I am happy for you :)

1. Use Flashcards!
I find these the most useful for learning definitions and words, especially in other languages! I make mine myself, simply by cutting up paper and writing on both sides, but there are some apps or websites you can use that do it for you, for example cram.com or crava.com , which are my favourites, although you may find a better one which works for you.

2. Copy Things Out!
Have you ever heard that writing something out is the memory equivalent to reading it seven times? I don't really know why this is true, but it is - probably something to do with your brain processing it better or something. Also if you have all your notes neat, organised and in one place, it is easier to find everything you will need. And also you can condense your notes so that you aren't overwhelmeed by pages and pages of meaningless words - this will make you unfocused and in the wrong mindset to revise.

3. Find A Technique That Works For You!
Everyone learns best in different ways. For example I work visually, so I like things yo be neatly laid out and colour coded. Megan works best with background noise, like music. My sister prefers silence and to be alone so she can focus. Nonw are better than others, you just need yo work out what you are and try lots of different techniques to help you remember things until you find out what works. For example, it may be flashcards, or having things colour coded, or remembering them to a rhythm, or coming up with rhymes... I could go on forever!

1. Use Ringbinders And File Dividers!
Ringbinders and file dividers are two of the most helpful organizational items you can have. I find a pretty ringbinder, as that is what you see on the outside, and then use card white/grey/brown dividers that I can write and draw on to separate the sections more nicely. Sometimes I write a table of contents on the front of each divider for each section, so I know exactly what is in it! Other helpful but not necassary things to buy are a hole punch, which is a lot easier than ripping the paper; hole reinforcers, which make sure that the hole doesn't rip more and your work fall out; and a refill pad, which is basically a notebook that tears out the pages easily without leaving that horrid rip line down it, and has the holes already punched out.

2. Clipboards!
For my desk at home, I found two pretty clipboards which I have nailed up on my wall. One is for any school trip leters, orthodontic letters etc, which are organised in order of how soon they will happen. The other is for my to-do list and timetable. I'll cover the timetable in another section. But these clipboards are so, so useful beacuse I can just look up at them while I am working, and see what is coming up soon, what I need to do and how long I have to do it in.

3. Personal Timetable!
Most people don't do this, just to say. I am weird and I like things to be precise and organised, probably a bit over the top. Basically I drew out a timetable for the week, and marked in the time for school, sleeping and meals. They are all necessities that have a set time each week. Then I move to dance lessons etc, which are extras but again have a set time each week. Then what is next most important? I marked in half an hour per day for homework, and one hour at the weekend; and 1.5 hours of dance practice on a weekday with 3 hours on a weekend. Then times of my fave TV shows. Can I just say now that I don't always stick to this- I would love to say that I do 13.5 hours of dance practise a week, but sadly I don not always stick to that!

Additional Tips
1. Printer Ink!
If you need to print something out but are running low on black ink, simply use a really dark blue and it will print fine.

2. Sleep!
This is one of the most crucial things you can have. You may or may not be aware that when you sleep, that is the time when your brain transfers all your memories into long term, so you are a lot more likely to remember things. Also it is really good for helping get rid of spots!

3. Chew Peppermint Gum!
This technique works well, but is flawed for some people. It has been scientifically proven that peppermint stimulates the brain and helps you remember things, same goes for mandarin. Also it is said that if you chew that same flavour gum when revising as when taking a test, you are more likely to remember things. However some schools, like mine, dont let you chew gum in school in which case this won't work for you.

I really hope, as always, that this article helped! I know exactly what it feels like to be totally unprepared for a test and not to remember anything, however much I revised.

Question of the Day: How much homework do you have? Answer in the comments below!

Tschüs, adios, au revoir, and goodbye,
Teenage Blogger x


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