Book review – Ruby Redfort, Look Into My Eyes

I got this book to add to my mammoth collection of Lauren Child things, along with the next two books, Take Your Last Breath and Catch Your Death. They’re all about a girl who works as a secret agent for a secret agency called Spectrum. Together with her pal, Clancy, she has to stop the evil Count van Viscount from carrying out his wicked plans. I'ts actually the same girl as in Clarice Bean, becasuse Lauren Child had loads of messages from readers asking for the Ruby Redfort seiries. I love these books because I think the codes and plots are very clever. This book is good for people who love detective stories and are about age 8 – 14. It’s not what I’d call girly, but more for girls than boys. There is also a new book coming out in September, called feel the fear, I can’t wait to get it!!!

Rating:4/5 stars


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