Book review – Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

I was desperate to read this book, after I watched the whole set of Harry Potter DVDs in the last October holiday, having borrowed them off someone I know. My mum’s friend gave me the 1st 3 for Christmas, though, and I was bursting to read it so much, I finished it in a few days. One of my favourite parts were when Harry, Ron and Hermione go to the stone, defeating magical objects along the way, and combining their strengths to reach the stone. I really enjoyed it because it’s not as scary as I thought it would be, but still extremely exciting. I’d recommend it for anyone over age 7, even adults, because I don’t think any one who’s 6 or under will understand the plot of the story. It’s perfect for boys or girls, it doesn’t matter who reads it. This book was the start of my massive obsession of Harry Potter; I just can’t put them down!!!

5/5 stars


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