Cyber Bullies: Why?

Hiya again!

In this post I'd love to talk to you about something that I really don't understand, and something that's happened to me VERY recently (as in about an hour or so ago!). And this something is bullying.

Let's start with a story. I'm on this open website called Quotev, on which you can share stories and quizzes etc, and read each others. I am part of an online magazine on it, in which yhere are multiple authors contributing articles. Today someone hacked into our main mag account, and deleted/edited some of our posts, posted an article on porn (if you don't know what that is, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T GOOGLE IT. ASK YOUR PARENTS IF YOU MUST KNOW. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.), and commented some really horrible things that I won't mention, before deactivating the account and therefore losing all our data, followers, and account. Meanwhile giving several people panic attacks and reducing a lot of us to tears.

My question to you is: Why would you do this? Why would you be so absolutely VILE that you would give someone anxiety and ruin a group of people's hard work? Why? What possible motive could be behind this? I mean, I know about the tragic backstory theory and all that, and I do sympathise, bur is there not any other way of getting rid of your anger than sabotaging a group's work, and mentally injuring anyone who read the post? Stand with me if you agree! #saynotobullying

UPDATE 19/08: Now the hacker has deleed all 115 of our posts, and has been sending messages to the other authors lying about who they are. They sent a message to my friend Maddie saying that I was the hacker, and sent one to me saying that someone else was. Congrats hacker, you didn't do your job though - this has just mase us pull together as a team, get to know each other better and work together to sort this out. And also gained us a few followers too :)

UPDATE 20/08: They have just posted an article named 'How To Rape A Nine Year Old'. Couldn't be more angry, or upset! Of course we've deleted the post, but we still don't know who it is and they keep blaming other people. We have now started a new magazine. Well, I have. None of the other authors are online at the moment. Couldn't feel more alone in this battle.

Lots of love,
Young and Enquiring x


  1. Ah, that sucks :( It's sad that there's people like that in the world. But you can't let it get you down, you have to keep going strong! x


    1. awe thankyou! I know right :( Now theyve started messaging other people, saying that theyre one of us and lying 😤 your right I shouldn't let it put me down. People do what they wanna do and its none of my convcern I guess :)


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