
Showing posts from August, 2017

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying

Heya guys!  Its me, Young and Enquiring (although I'm still looking for a new name...)! Today my article is on how to tell if someone is lying.  I'm sure that you have all wondered at some point if you are being lied to, and now you can find out! Face and Voice 1. Look for micro expressions. Micro expressions are emotions that flash up on a person's face when they are trying to conceal the truth. It is usually distress - their eyebrows join together and lift, with creases along their forehead. 2. Look for eye movements. If a person is making something up, they are likely to avoid eye contact. A right handed person's eyes will move up and to the right, and vice versa for left handed. Liars tend to blink more and rub their eyes, but just because they do this doesn't always mean that they are lying - people do this for other reasons as well.  3. Listen for voice changes. Liars usually talk faster and in a higher pitch, and also stutter or...

New Blog Name Suggestions?

Hi! I was thinking about having a new name for my blog, but I can't think of any that I like!  Any suggestions? I want it to be kind of short, well at least shorter tham my currently one, and summing up my blog and me in one. In fact, lets make this into a competition. The winner will get a shoutout! Thankyou guys xx My ideas so far (please vote in the comments!):  One Life My Life Teenage Teacher Truth Of The Teen World Life Lessons As I Learn Lots of love, Young and Enquiring x

Cyber Bullies: Why?

Hiya again! In this post I'd love to talk to you about something that I really don't understand, and something that's happened to me VERY recently (as in about an hour or so ago!). And this something is bullying. Let's start with a story. I'm on this open website called Quotev, on which you can share stories and quizzes etc, and read each others. I am part of an online magazine on it, in which yhere are multiple authors contributing articles. Today someone hacked into our main mag account, and deleted/edited some of our posts, posted an article on porn (if you don't know what that is, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T GOOGLE IT. ASK YOUR PARENTS IF YOU MUST KNOW. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.), and commented some really horrible things that I won't mention, before deactivating the account and therefore losing all our data, followers, and account. Meanwhile giving several people panic attacks and reducing a lot of us to tears. My question to you is: Why would you...