Baking - White Chocolate and Pecan Nut Cookies!
Heya guys. I love this recipe. I've made these loads for my grandma's book group, for special occasions, or just for a rainy day treat at home. They are good for any time, although probably a bit expensive and time consuming to make for an everyday snack, but I think they work really well if you have guests. They do have a few expensive ingredients, and take a while to make, but in the end they really are worth the time and effort. Enjoy! White Chocolate and Pecan Nut Cookies makes 24 what you need: 250g of unsalted butter 100g caster sugar 200g soft light brown sugar 2 eggs 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 400g plain flour 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp baking powder 100g white chocolate 100g shelled and cut pecan nuts Method First, you need to cream together the butter and sugar in a mixer until they're light and fluffy.Then you add the eggs one at a time, and mix in. I always crack them seperately into mugs first, in case I get any shell in, or one of them is bad. Tu...